- September 11, 2021

There has been a lot of coverage in the media regarding a so-called “compensation culture” in Britain because people are now more aware of their rights than ever before. We, together with many other Personal Injury lawyers, are concerned that this one-sided coverage of the issue is giving the wrong impression to the public of what personal injury claims are really about. The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) is aiming to provide unbiased information to allow everyone in our society to understand the importance of a right to redress for suffering needless harm, whether or not one has experience of thePERSONAL INJURYsystem. As members of APIL, we have included that information booklet on our website because we believe it is important to our justice system to ensure that harmful and misguided perceptions aboutPERSONAL INJURYare turned around.
Below is a link to the latest public information booklet prepared by APIL, Compensation Explained. APIL describes it as “a back-to-basics guide to the purpose ofCOMPENSATION, what makes a claim, and what challenges injured people face in our current legal system in England and Wales”.
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